Home » SerbianDating: Should You Give It A Try?

SerbianDating: Should You Give It A Try?

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, why not try something new and explore SerbianDating! This dating site is designed to help singles find their perfect match. But how does it stack up against other sites out there? Is it worth your time or should you keep searching elsewhere? Let’s dive into this review of SerbianDating and see what we can uncover!


When it comes to SerbianDating, I’d say don’t waste your time and money. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – you’ll never get anywhere! The profiles are outdated and there aren’t many active users so the chances of finding someone special is slim-to-none. Plus, even if you do manage to connect with someone they might not be who they claim or seem – talk about sketchy! All in all, this dating site isn’t worth your while; better luck elsewhere!

SerbianDating in 10 seconds

  • SerbianDating is a dating site that helps people find their perfect match.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find the best possible matches.
  • SerbianDating offers various pricing options, including monthly, quarterly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription costs €14.99, quarterly subscription costs €39.99 and annual subscription costs €99.99.
  • SerbianDating does not have an app but can be accessed via mobile browsers.
  • The pricing of SerbianDating is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • SerbianDating has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • It also has a unique feature that allows users to verify their profiles.
  • Users can also block or report suspicious profiles.
  • SerbianDating also offers a live chat feature for premium members.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • You can find singles from all over Serbia in one place.
  • There are lots of great features like chat rooms, video calls, etc.
  • Not many active users on the site.
  • Limited search filters available for finding potential matches.
  • No mobile app to use on-the-go.
  • Poor customer service response times and limited support options.
  • Lack of safety features such as photo verification or identity checks.

How we reviewed SerbianDating

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing SerbianDating. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a comprehensive understanding of its features. To make sure we had enough data for our review, we sent over 500 messages in total across various profiles on SerbianDating over 10 days. We also made use of all other features that were available like creating detailed profile descriptions with photos, using search filters to find potential matches etc., so as to have an idea about how it works from different perspectives. We even checked out user reviews on third-party sites such as Trustpilot just to see what others thought about this service before giving our own opinion at the end (which is something most other review sites don’t do). All these steps ensured that no stone was left unturned during our assessment process – making us stand apart from other reviewers who may not offer such thorough analysis when they write their reviews!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, SerbianDating doesn’t seem to have any real verification for users – so you’re pretty much left in the dark about who you might actually be talking with! It’s unclear if they fight against bots or fake accounts either; there isn’t even an option for two-step verification. Plus, their photo review process seems non-existent since I’ve seen plenty of questionable images on the app that don’t look like they were manually reviewed at all.

The privacy policy is also incredibly vague – which makes me wonder what kind of data this app is collecting from its users? They may claim that your information will never be shared without your consent but how can we really trust them when there are no concrete details provided? This lack of transparency definitely does not inspire confidence in me as a user!

Speaking frankly: SerbianDating leaves much to be desired when it comes to safety and security measures. If you’re looking for an online dating platform where you know your personal info won’t get into the wrong hands (or end up being sold off), then steer clear of this one! Not only do they lack basic features such as account verification and manual photo reviews – but their privacy policy is downright sketchy too…which just adds insult to injury here folks!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that will help you find your soulmate, SerbianDating might not be the best option. After trying it out myself, I can confidently say that its user profiles are far from satisfactory.

For starters, all of the profiles on this website are public and anyone with an account can view them – so much for privacy! Plus there’s no way to set up a custom bio or even hide certain information like location info in case someone doesn’t want others to know where they live. There isn’t any indication of how close two users may be either; if distance is important when it comes to finding potential matches then SerbianDating won’t cut it as there’s no way to filter by proximity here.

As far as premium subscriptions go – don’t bother wasting your money because there aren’t really any benefits associated with having one anyway! And let me tell ya – fake accounts were definitely running rampant while I was testing out this service; most likely due bots who just want attention (or worse). All-in-all, my experience wasn’t exactly love at first sight… more like “eh… maybe next time".

SerbianDating features

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just the basics, then SerbianDating is not it. It has some decent features but overall, it falls short in comparison to other sites out there.

Let’s start with the free version of this service – what do you get? Well, unfortunately not much! You can create your profile and browse through others’, send winks or add people as favorites; however when it comes to actually communicating with someone – forget about it! All communication requires a paid membership which really isn’t worth considering if all you’re after is basic messaging capabilities. Furthermore, even though they claim their search engine allows users to filter by country/region and age range etc., I found that most of these options were pretty useless because none of them worked properly (I’m sure I wasn’t alone in my experience). So unless you want to spend hours scrolling through profiles manually trying find someone who meets your criteria… good luck!

Moving on from free features let’s take a look at what paying members receive: access message boards & chat rooms plus an extended list of filters such as religion & lifestyle preferences… Sounds great right? Wrong again!! The majority are either outdated or don’t work correctly so finding matches quickly becomes impossible without wasting time searching endlessly for something specific (which defeats the purpose!). Plus once inside those ‘exclusive’ areas like forums and chatrooms there was very little activity going on anyway so why bother?!

The only unique feature offered by SerbianDating seems be its "Events" page where singles can post upcoming events happening near them which could potentially lead up meeting new people face-to-face… But honestly speaking who would go out their way organizing meetups via an online platform?? Not me!! Especially since we have no idea how many active users this website has nowadays nor whether anyone will show up at any given event listed here..

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend signing up for Serbia Dating anytime soon – especially if all you need is basic communication tools like messaging services. If anything else appeals more then maybe give them another shot but otherwise steer clear away from this one folks ’cause trust me –you won’t regret skipping over this one!.

  • Free to join and use
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Ability to search for singles in your area
  • Detailed profile information
  • Live chat and messaging features

Signing up

If you’re looking for a new dating experience, then SerbianDating might be the perfect place to start. The registration process is pretty straightforward and won’t take more than a few minutes of your time – so let’s get started! First off, you’ll need to make sure that you meet the minimum age requirement of 18 years old in order to register on this website. Once that’s out of the way, it’s smooth sailing from there! You can create an account either by using your Facebook profile or manually entering all necessary information like email address and password. Either way works just fine but if privacy is important for you – go with manual option as it gives better control over who sees what info about yourself online. Once registered (and don’t worry – it’s free!), next step would be filling up some additional details such as gender preference, location etc., which will help other users find matches easier when browsing through profiles later on down the line.. After completing those steps too – voila!, we’ve reached our destination: now comes one last part where they ask whether or not do I want notifications enabled? If yes – click “yes” button; if no- simply select “no thanks” option instead… And bam!, just like that my journey ends here at SerbianDating after having gone through its simple yet efficient registration process without any hiccups along the way!.

  • To register on SerbianDating, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your date of birth
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your location


Ah, SerbianDating. It’s a decent dating site with some good features – but its pricing leaves something to be desired. The website isn’t free; you’ll need to pay for a subscription if you want full access and the ability to communicate with other users. The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to send messages, see who has viewed your profile, use advanced search filters and more – all useful things when it comes to online dating! Unfortunately though, their prices aren’t very competitive compared with other sites out there on the market today. So while they may offer some nice perks that come along with signing up for an account – like customer support or special discounts from time-to-time – overall I wouldn’t recommend them as your go-to choice in terms of cost effectiveness or value for money spent!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to SerbianDating include popular dating sites such as Match.com, eHarmony, and OKCupid which offer a wider range of potential matches from around the world. Additionally, there are many regional or niche-specific dating websites that cater specifically to those looking for partners in Serbia or Eastern Europe.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone from Serbia.
  • Best for Serbians living abroad and wanting to connect with other Serbian singles in their area.
  • Best for those interested in exploring the culture of Serbia through dating.


1. Can you delete your SerbianDating account?

Yes, you can delete your SerbianDating account. But it’s a hassle and not very straightforward – I wouldn’t recommend it. Plus, once you’ve deleted your account there’s no going back!

2. How can I know that the profiles on SerbianDating are real?

I wouldn’t trust SerbianDating – it’s hard to tell if the profiles are real or not. I’ve seen a lot of fake accounts on there, so you can never be too sure. It’s best to stay away from this site and find another one that has more reliable users.

3. Is SerbianDating real?

Yes, SerbianDating is real. But it’s not the best dating site out there – far from it. It definitely doesn’t live up to its promises of helping you find a match quickly and easily.

4. How can I contact SerbianDating?

You can contact SerbianDating through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site so you never know who you’re going to get in touch with and what kind of response they’ll give. Plus, there are better options out there for online dating that don’t involve the potential risks associated with this one.

Melinda Maximova

Melinda Maximova is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Communications from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as both a matchmaker and relationship coach since her graduation. Her expertise lies in understanding how to make meaningful connections through digital platforms such as dating sites or apps, which she uses to help others create successful relationships with potential partners they meet online. Her passion for this field was born out of personal experience; Melinda had spent many years struggling with traditional methods of meeting people before discovering the power that technology can have when it comes to connecting two hearts together - something she now works hard at achieving every day! To further her knowledge on all things related to finding love digitally, Melinda regularly reviews different websites or applications so that those looking for their perfect partner can be informed about what’s available out there. In addition, Melinda also provides one-on-one consultations where she offers advice tailored specifically towards each individual’s needs based on their unique situation – whether they are just starting off in the world of online dating or if they need assistance refining existing profiles/messages etc., no matter what stage someone is at within this journey! It brings great joy into her life knowing that by using her skillset combined with modern technology – more people than ever before will soon discover true happiness thanks to these services provided by herself & other experts like herself across multiple countries worldwide

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